Nerve Damage Treatment in El Paso

Soothe Your Nerve Pain Through Therapy

Nerve damage, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is when your nerves are not functioning properly for a number of reasons. Your nerves are what send signals all over your body, allowing you to communicate between the brain and your other muscles, organs, etc. When they misfire or become damaged, it can cause issues like pain, discomfort, reduced balance/muscle control, and more. 

At P3 Physical Therapy, we work with patients to understand the mechanics of the nervous system and work to treat the source of neuropathy. Call (915)444-5200 today to learn more about our nerve damage treatment in El Paso.

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?

Nerve damage can stem from a variety of sources like metabolic issues (e.g., diabetes), injuries, infections, toxins, nutrient deficiencies, and even genetic predisposition. Some nerve damage can even be the result of poor movement patterns that compound over time. Often, people experience neuropathy because of a combination of the above factors instead of just one. 

Nerves in the body can be further subdivided into sensory nerves, motor nerves, and autonomic nerves. The causes and symptoms of neuropathy will vary based on which types of nerves are affected and how they were damaged or impaired. 

Signs You May Have Nerve Damage

Since the nerves play such an important role in the body, many of the signs of neuropathy are prominent and easily identifiable. 

Below are some of the most common signs that someone may have some degree of nerve damage: 

  • Numbness, prickling, or tingling in the feet, hands, legs or arms 
  • Muscle weakness
  • Lack of balance/coordination
  • Unusual pain during certain movements or activities
  • Sharp or throbbing pain
  • Heat intolerance 
  • Bowel or digestive issues
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Physical therapy is a fantastic way to address nerve damage because it can help diagnose the exact issue and address it through techniques like dry needling, manual therapy, guided exercise, and more. Our physical therapy team helps patients understand the function and importance of nerves, as well as developing a plan to fix any issues. 

Specific physical therapy exercises can be used to “move” your nerves, giving them space and blood flow to kickstart the healing process. Through education, patients can unlearn any bad habits that contributed to the nerve damage and employ proven techniques in our clinic or by themselves. 

Of course, some nerve damage issues need to be addressed via other methods like dietary, behavioral, or even medicinal changes. Physical therapy is sometimes the only kind of intervention necessary, but it is often simply one aspect of a broader health intervention plan. 

Tackle Your Nerve Pain With P3 Physical Therapy!

Nerve pain can significantly disrupt normal movement and well-being, but physical therapy can help patients alleviate pain and even heal any damaged nerves. To learn more about how physical therapy can help or to schedule an evaluation, please contact us online or call (915)444-5200.